In Conversation 6: From Thought Control to Free Thought join hosts Dr Tess Lawrie (UK) and Richard Vobes (UK) along with panelists from around the world. These include Mark Devlin (UK), Melissa Ciummei (NIE), Prof Dolores Cahill (IE), James Corbett (CA/JP), Will Keyte (UK), Andrew Bridgen (UK), Karen-Ruth Skolmli (UK), Alex Krainer (MC). Who will delve into strategies to protect ourselves in the manipulated world we live in.
BWC23 C6
Corporate media misinformation, disinformation, censorship and nudging are the means by which we are manipulated. We already living in a technocracy, with governments planning to introduce centralised bank digital currencies that facilitate unprecedented social control. How do we reclaim and protect our own minds, privacy and money? How can we maintain access to independent information, public spaces and services? In this conversation: from thought control to free thought, while referencing the Covid Deception and within the wider context of systematic surveillance, behavioural priming and thought policing, we will explore solutions to the increasing violation of our freedom to think, speak, transact and, simply, be. This conversation 6: From Thought Control to Free Thought allows us to shine a light into the shadows by encouraging us to see the systems working against us and to discuss this subject more broadly.
If you would like to hear more we have 7 other conversations which can be accessed here or subscribe to our newsletter for all our updates here!
3 thoughts on “Conversation 6: From Thought Control to Free Thought”
can’t seem to find the Guardians 300 that Dolores Cahill was talking about. Have they disbanded? Can you provide other links to the legal work she’s doing?
Hi, I am sorry that I cannot provide information on the current status of Guardians 300 but I beieve you can find more information on their Twitter page –
What a superb conference and brilliantly recorded for those of use who could not get there this time! THANK YOU all.
I hope to come to the next and make new friends. I greatly value this movement for protection of our people and our nations, especially the UK and our Commonwealth friends. Keep it up! I shall be depositing my donation while watching and gaining from all this.
Whether one accepts a Creator as personal God or not (and I do), our lives must be free from state coercive control, and we hope that our world’s democracies can be protected from the effects of dangerous cyclical corruption of power and wealth; else. we shall suffer the fate of all nations which have “played God” with others and our shared world. The amplitude of the coercion is greater than ever, although often subliminal, and its effects are far more reaching than ever in their destructiveness. As one who believes in a Creator who deeply loves us and wants us to involve Him in our lives, I believe there is a spiritual blindness too that increases the level of danger both personally and to our nations, because we find it more difficult to discern the truth from lies. Truly, truth can be known; we do not need those who seek to control us to tell us what it is, in exchange for their supposed benevolent protection.
God’s speed and protection to All our friends who believe in the preciousness of human self-determination and freedom to be whom we are created to be: Loving members of the unique human family, able to make our choices of under a basic set of laws which should protect all of us.
In thankfulness and in faith in the Truth